Family Coaching & Growth Services at 7th Gen

How we can help your family thrive

At 7th Gen Consulting, we are here to equip your family to create a path to walk generationally in biblical values. We understand every family situation is unique, so our services are designed to meet your family where it is at and to navigate the journey together.

Through workshops, on-site consulting and family coaching, and other custom opportunities, you can find the best option for your family’s next steps. Learn more below.

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Events & Workshops

From in-person gatherings to online workshops, you will find a variety of ways for your family to be educated on building a lasting legacy and creating practical strategies from biblical principles. Come learn how to:

  • Create understanding in your family
  • Build communication strategies
  • Establish family values, vision, and mission
  • Determine plans to shape generations, and more!

Explore more about our events or upcoming dates.

Family Coaching & Consulting

To grow as a family can be challenging, especially when you are working through conflict or are learning how to create unity around a new vision.

With years of expertise coaching families, we can come alongside your family to provide the support you need. Whether online or in person is best, we can help you work through issues like:

  • Creating unity and shared vision
  • Assessing relational health
  • Reviewing family governance structures and charitable giving
  • Building channels for understanding and engagement

You don’t have to figure this out all by yourself. Invite one of our experienced coaches to journey with you and your family to build a legacy that makes a difference.

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The Family Summit

Sometimes, your family just needs a dedicated time and space to gather and reset. Our Family Summit is a special offering designed to do precisely that.

Over the course of two days, we will help gather your family and facilitate intentional conversations according to your areas of need. Topics could include:

  • Check-ins on communication
  • Implementing values, vision, and mission
  • Generosity and wealth discussions

We will work with you to build what will grow your family best. Learn more about how we can support your family by clicking below.

Workshop Coach Training

For individuals looking to take the next step to serve families on a broader scale, we train coaches to lead family legacy workshops and other core offerings. Our certification process will train on:

  • Leading a Family Legacy Workshop 
  • Adding coaching and consulting certifications
  • Gaining education on biblical, historical, and governance material

These facilitator training cohorts are available to a limited number of participants. The goal is to further expand reaching families with the power of multi-generational vision and biblical principles.


Change is Possible

Your family was meant for generations. God’s heart is for you to thrive. And we’re here to empower you to the next steps with courage and joy. We’re for your family!

Welcome to 7th Gen. Let’s journey together.