The Family Summit: An Intensive Family Coaching Experience

How would your family look different if you could gather for one or two days and engage in planning and intentional conversations? 

Come explore a new family coaching experience: The Family Summit, an intensive in-person gathering where we will help facilitate discussions, check-ins, and planning for your family based on your goals and needs.

Having served hundreds of families, we have found over and over that simply carving out the dedicated space to reconvene and commit to a path is often the catalyst moment for growth a family needs. We are here to help you make that space and maximize your time.

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About the Family Summit

The goal of a Family Summit experience is for your family to engage in the key conversations and planning that needs to happen so you walk away with clear next steps. 

Here’s more of what it looks like:

  • Choose a 1 or 2 day in-person gathering
  • Pre-planning to decide the agenda and goals
  • Facilitated sessions with the entire family
  • Dedicated 7th Gen facilitator

Through this intensive family coaching experience, we serve as the facilitators so we can be neutral parties to mediate, coach, and guide the discussions.

What Could Family Growth Look Like?

Every family has a unique dynamic and set of needs based on its current season, and this is where the power of a Family Summit comes into play. We can help you find the necessary next steps and even work through the challenges that are currently impacting your family.

Here are ways you could utilize a Family Summit to grow your family:

  • Complete and review personality profile assessments 
  • Create communication strategies
  • Define your conflict process
  • Review your values, vision, and mission and teach next generations
  • Facilitate planning for generosity

Our goal is to customize the experience to your needs so you walk away equipped to continue the growth and conversations as a family.

Set up a discovery call with us to learn more.


Connect to Family Resources

We know the journey to multi-generational family involves many steps, so let us help support you. Beyond just our workshop coaching, we provide many other ways to serve families from online training to in-person consulting.

Set Up a Discovery Call

Let's get in touch for how we can support your family. Fill out this form and provide dates and times that work best for a call.