Vision, Mission, and Values Examples
Build Your Family's Foundation
In this page, you will find examples of vision, mission, and values that families across the world have created. Take inspiration for your own!
Vision Statements
Find family vision statement examples here.
- All generations living to hear "well done!"
- 1,000 Generations of Kingdom Impact
- Disciples everywhere for generations
- H.O.U.S.E. = H-Helping O-Others U-Understand S-Success in E-Everything
- Transforming Our Country through Godly Families
- This gen's ceiling is the next gen's floor
- Disciples forever, embracing life's eternal gift
- Disciples on the adventurous upward call of Jesus
- Growing seeds of faith in God for eternity
- Multiply good for generations
- Flourishing generations rooted in Christ
- Generously serve others for eternity
- Unleashing beauty and the flourishing of all creation
- All together on the way to heaven
- Wise stewards eternally connected
- Relentlessly Pursuing Christ & Purposefully Serving Others
- Every Generation Bringing Heaven on Earth
- Teaming up forging game (world)-changers
To be a multigenerational family perpetually bearing the fruit of God's love
Mission Statements
Find family mission statement examples here.
- Do right, fear nothing!
- Grow. Go. Show.
- Rooted in Christ. Abounding Gratitude.
- We come in for worship, so we can go out to serve.
- Support each other in following Jesus in love & faith.
- Be recklessly obedient
- Pray without ceasing. Pursue Christ constantly. Preach the Gospel consistently.
- Fight the Good Fight
To daily abide in God's love by hearing and obeying his voice: hear, obey, abide
- Love God, love others, go do stuff.
- Love hard. Live intentional.
- Seek adventure. Choose joy. Live generous.
- Cultivate Hearts for Jesus and Others
- POP - Prioritize Family, Others Focused, Passionately Pursue Purpose
- Live as disciples through faith, love, and service.
- Every day we abide in Christ and consider others
- Love Jesus, Have fun
- Rooted in Christ, Grounded in Love
Values Statements
Find family values statement examples here.
Upward Values
- Abiding
- Biblical
- Compassion
- Evangelism
- Faithful
- God-centered
- God's Word
- Grace
- Hope
- Joy
- Mercy
- Restoration
- Stewardship
- Truth
- Wisdom
- Teamwork
- Respect
- Generosity
Relational Values
- Accountable
- Authenticity
- Communication
- Empathy
- Family
- Fun
- Grace
- Humility
- Integrity
- Intentional
- Kindness
- Love
- Peace
- Respect
- Story
- Trust
- Understanding
- Play
Aspirational Values
- Adventure
- Courage
- Discipline
- Endurance
- Generosity
- Gratitude
- Growth
- Hard Work
- Honor
- Learning
- Purpose-Driven
- Service
- Thankful
- Unafraid
- Togetherness
- Hospitality