How to Host a Family Legacy Workshop

We are excited to explore partnering with you on a family legacy workshop experience! Over and over, we see these events significantly move the dial with families, creating vision, intentionality, and traction like they’ve never seen before. It’s a privilege to get to equip the families in your network and empower them for generational success.

To get started with hosting a workshop, we want to help answer what the event is about, what your responsibilities will look like as a host, and how we will support.

What to Expect at a Family Legacy Workshop

This event is a 24-hour experience designed to guide families through the process of understanding God’s purpose for families and then creating their own roadmap for success through mission, vision, and values. Guests will experience biblical teaching, interactive time with other families, and practical application to form next steps.

The goal is for every family to walk out with their own drafted values, vision, and mission statements, as well as other core tools to equip their next steps in building their family. 

Family Legacy Workshop Host Responsibilities

As a host, you will be responsible for these key areas:


Your Responsibilities

About 7th Gen Consulting

As you step into hosting an event, you are becoming part of impacting families for generations. This is why 7th Gen Consulting exists, and it’s why we are passionate to serve with you in equipping families. We believe in restoring families to God’s purpose so they can succeed for generations.

Our team brings years of experience in coaching hundreds of families as well as leading hundreds of these workshops, so we want you to feel confident you will have a team of experts at your side through this process.

Learn more about why we do this work and our own core values, vision, and mission here. 

Take the Next Step to Host

Let’s start the conversation to host a workshop! Fill out this form to give us a little more information about your potential event and ask any questions you have as well.